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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hot August Nights

It's that time of year again. The hot rods and classic cars will be rolling into town by the hundreds. I noticed last year there was 3 to 1 of 57 Chevy to any other ride. I love the 57 and there is a lot of really nice 57's out there but - what about the other classics? There must be hundreds of T-Birds out there, somewhere hiding from us.

Another ride we see a lot of is the Mustang, sure the Mustang is a great ride, what about the Corvair? That was way ahead of it's time. Just because the battery caused a lot of engine fires it doesn't mean anything.

Well I'm off this year with lots of pixels in my camera and my tripod. Possibly I'll have a model that will really bring the cars alive. Should I bring a flash and some reflectors?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Beans for Lunch?

I found this guy in the streets of Sparks Nevada, I asked if I could photograph him with his bike and he agreed.  This is the results of that pose, he then contacted me wanting to see the image.  I sent him a copy of the image (very small copy) and he offered to purchase it.  I wanted $150 but he only offered me $50.  So I sold it to him.  Well - recently I was offered money for a one time use of this image.

It was for a billboard in the SF bay area.  I was excited to have an image of mine on a billboard, so I agreed to sell it for one time rights only.  I then notified this person in the photo so he would know about it, but it wasn't a done deal as of yet and I was waiting for a final answer from the purchaser.  This person in the photo went nuts - he insisted that he owned all the rights and that I cannot resell the image for any reason, to delete it.  Then he starts to threaten me.

If you have any idea of what "Photography and the Law" is you may want to pick up another version written recently.  The laws are clear and there is no question who owns the rights to the image.  It's sad that people act out without knowing what the real truth.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nada Dada Motel Art Week

I spent almost a week working on getting my photographs printed and another week getting them framed for the Nada Dada Motel art week.  It was crazy getting ready but I made it.  OH, not to mention it took about 6 hours getting my work on the walls of the Wildflower Village room.  (I was in 14)

If anyone is thinking of joining the art community in Reno it's not all that hard, just be ready for the grunge art group.  Getting into the conservative art group is another story, I guess making a name for yourself first may get you invited - who knows.

I spent time next to one artist that was preparing for the "Burning Man". She created a bunch of aliens and they were very strange. She really put a lot of work into them, every day!  That's the grunge I mentioned.  I'm not slamming grunge just talking about it.

As a photographer I made a few images of the aliens around the motel so I could show them to you and send them to her.  I'm sure she will like the photos, the people at the motel want copies as well.  I'll try to attend the Nada Dada Motel art week next year if I have new work.  I'm looking for models and things to photograph that fit into the grunge style. 

I brought photos of cars, people, places and some are just pretty pictures.  Not grunge, so I'm thinking next year will be more interesting for who ever views them.  I get the impression that it's expected to have the grunge style work or the viewer will be disappointed or just not interested.

Shine & Rusted

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How smart is your cell phone?

How many of you remember when you had to crank the phone to get an operator that will place your call (I don't either but I've seen it in movies)?  Or when land line phones changed from the rotary to push button numbers.  I bet there isn't many of you had a home phone that shared the phone line with the neighbors. 

Communications have come a long way in the last 40 years.  It wasn't long ago the cell phone weighed in at 20 pounds or more.  The cost of a call was huge and you needed two jobs just to afford making calls.

That is all in the past and now you can use your cell phone (that fits in your shirt pocket) to browse the web, send emails, text your family and search for a home. 

Virtual tours are now on your smart phone, you can have a Realtor site or visit a Realtor website and view homes while having dinner with your family.  How cool is that?  If you could place a bid on a home from your cell phone that would make them perfect!